University of Westminster and University of Westminster Students’ Union are seeking a Peer Support Development Advisor to develop and deliver a sustainable, impactful, appropriately resourced, peer support programme. This role will commence from end of March 2022, with final recommendations due by August 2022.
This programme should enhance students’ experiences and sense of belonging at the university, particularly for students from access and participation target groups (including mature students, disabled students, Black, Asian and minority ethnic students, and students from low participation neighbourhoods). This should be delivered through the provision of empirically grounded and tailored development opportunities, which are consistently offered to the whole student community and across the lifecycle.
A development advisor is needed to lead on the research and liaise with the steering group to ensure rapid progress towards achievement of the deliverables. Considerable culture change is needed, and a robust evidence base from which recommendations are made will be a key enabler to facilitate buy-in.
For information and to apply please click here