UCAS Council Chair


11th September 2022

Basic Information

Scale: N/A – Voluntary Position
Location: Cheltenham
Date reviewed: August 2022

Job Purpose

The appointed individual will join UCAS at an interesting and challenging time for the higher education sector, but also a time that is full of opportunities. UK HE attracts applicants over 200 countries, and COVID 19 has presented new challenges for the global student recruitment market. Furthermore, there is growing interest in reshaping admissions to boost progress towards widening access and participation goals and education, and UCAS has a central role to play in shaping this agenda. Finally, the development of new technical qualifications and progression routes presents students with an unprecedent level of choice.

Term and commitment
The term of the Council Chairmanship shall be determined by the Board but shall not exceed three consecutive years and the Council currently meets at least quarterly. The appointment is without remuneration, but reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed by agreement.

Key Accountabilities

As the chair of the UCAS Council, this role will:
• Set the style and tone of Council meetings ensuring they run with pace and control whilst still creating an environment where everyone is encouraged to participate, thus enabling constructive debate and effective decision-making
• Ensure UCAS Council provides clear and valuable advice to UCAS on the issues that are brought to it for discussion.
• Promote a strong sense of shared vision, ambition and cohesiveness across the Council
• Ensure that the Council has an objective voice, representing the views of customers and stakeholders whilst challenging delivery effectiveness, business improvement and organisation growth
• Ensure efficient conduct of the business of the UCAS Council and that the views of all the Council members are sought before any important decision is made
• Act as an ambassador for UCAS, promoting UCAS’ activity as appropriate, and championing student choices and access to higher education
• Establish a constructive working relationship with, and provide support for, the UCAS Executive Team
• Ensure the Council receives professional advice when it is needed
• Review the composition of the Council and its individual members, ensuring action is taken to remedy any deficiencies
• Ensure the Council members complies with the other recommendations of the Code of Governance, as appropriate to its circumstances

Skills, Qualifications, and Experience 

The successful candidate will be an outstanding strategic leader with strong commercial acumen and will have:
• Strong chairing or leadership experience at Board level
• A thorough understanding of the responsibilities of an advisory council and how they operate effectively.
• Comprehension of the regulatory/legislative environment which UCAS operates within
• A high level of understanding and interest in UCAS’ business, our markets and customers, and a commitment to our charitable goals and values.
• Strong awareness of admissions, higher education, further education, careers advice, technical education, apprenticeships, and adult education, including the Lifelong Loan Entitlement.
• Able to demonstrate excellent alignment to the vision and values of UCAS
• Insight of corporate governance and the role it plays within an organization
• Strong intellect and a grasp of how an organisation like UCAS is managed.
• Good strategic perspective and excellent ability to work as part of a team, encouraging participation and engagement.
• A strong track record in inspiring change and commercial ambition whilst also giving appropriate consideration to relevant practical, legal and financial considerations

Learn more about the role and how to apply here