




EllenEngstrom headshot
EllenEngstrom headshot

Ellen Engstrom

Senior Policy and Engagement Officer

Ellen Engstrom is Senior Policy and Engagement Officer at Independent Higher Education (IHE)

David Minahan
David Minahan

David Minahan

Chief Information Officer

David Minahan is the Chief Information Officer at Goldsmiths, University of London


Alice Wilby


Alice Wilby is a consultant (and former PVC student experience). She is studying a part time PhD at Oxford Brookes.


Matt Offord

Associate Director Learning and Teaching

Matt Offord is Associate Director Learning and Teaching, and a Senior Lecturer in Experiential Leadership Education, at the University of Glasgow.


Hannah Yelin


Hannah Yelin is a Reader in Media and Culture at Oxford Brookes University


Laura Clancy


Laura Clancy is a Lecturer in Media at Lancaster University

Shireen Qureishi Wonkhe
Shireen Qureishi Wonkhe

Shireen Quraishi

Shireen Quraishi is Senior Evaluation Officer, Access and Widening Participation at UCL

Jonathan Schulte Wonkhe
Jonathan Schulte Wonkhe

Jonathan Schulte

Jonathan Schulte is evaluation lead at the Eden Centre for Education Enhancement at LSE

Sam Braide Wonkhe
Sam Braide Wonkhe

Sam Braide

Sam Braide is Widening Participation Research and Evaluation Officer, Access, Participation and Outreach at the University of Exeter

Heather Mozley Wonkhe
Heather Mozley Wonkhe

Heather Mozley

Heather Mozley is Access and Participation Evaluation Manager, Widening Participation and Social Mobility at the University of Southampton

Elizabeth Rahman Wonkhe
Elizabeth Rahman Wonkhe

Elizabeth Rahman

Elizabeth Rahman is senior evaluation officer at the Centre for Teaching and Learning at the University of Oxford


Bruce Johnson

Bruce Johnson is managing director at evasys


Emma Cowley

Emma Cowley is DTA3 Project Manager at University Alliance

29962 Students' Union Officers 19th July 2019 TG Portrait of Ruqia Osman, Students' Union Officer. Client: Students' Union.

Ruqia Osman

Ruqia Osman is Racial Justice & Equity Manager at Rethink Mental Illness

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Neil headshot 1 (1)

Neil Currant

Neil Currant is a Senior Lecturer and Educational developer at the University of Bedfordshire. Their research interests include compassionate assessment and belonging in higher education.

Hannah Breslin Headshot
Hannah Breslin Headshot

Hannah Breslin

Hannah Breslin is an Autistic academic who speaks and writes about the pedagogy of employability, leadership, autistic experiences, and the intersection across all three.


Lisa Anderson

is Professor of Management Learning and Curriculum Project Lead at the University of Liverpool.


Jonathan Breckon

Jonathan Breckon is Research Fellow for Capabilities in Academic Policy Engagement (CAPE) and Senior Visiting Lecturer at UCL

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Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 05.16.38

Jo Campling

Jo Campling is Welfare & Sustainability Officer at Sheffield Students’ Union

Charlynne Pullen 2
Charlynne Pullen 2

Charlynne Pullen

Charlynne Pullen is a Principal Research Fellow at Sheffield Hallam University


Gavin Miller

Gavin Miller is Reader in Contemporary Literature and Medical Humanities at the University of Glasgow


Stuart Grey

Founder of Student Voice

Stuart Grey is the founder of studentvoice.ai, a university spinout focused on using machine learning approaches to analyse student feedback


Kathy Seymour

Independent researcher and evaluator

Kathy Seymour is an independent researcher and evaluator

John Britton
John Britton

John Britton

John is an experienced education and local government consultant

Anna verhamme
Anna verhamme

Anna Verhamme

Anna is Director of Anna Verhamme Consulting


Zeki Dolen

Zeki Dolen is Events and Communications Intern at the Social Market Foundation


Paul Tarne

Paul Tarne is a partner at Weightmans, and represented Greater Manchester Combined Authority during the public inquiry into the Manchester Arena terror attack

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profile-adam-winstock (1)

Adam R Winstock

Adam R Winstock is Consultant Psychiatrist and Addiction Medicine Specialist at University College London


Lisa Wyld

Lisa Wyld is the Head of Missenden Abbey International Hotel and Hospitality School at Buckinghamshire New University

Thandie headshot
Thandie headshot

Thandiwe Hara

Thandiwe Hara is Innovation and Research Policy Manager at the University of Oxford

Susan Clarke Wonkhe
Susan Clarke Wonkhe

Susan Clarke

Susan Clarke is a Reader in Applied Life Science in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Queen’s University Belfast

Karen McCloskey Wonkhe
Karen McCloskey Wonkhe

Karen McCloskey

Karen McCloskey is Professor of Physiology at Queen’s University Belfast

Nic Beech Vice Chancellor from October 2023 - University of Salf
Nic Beech Vice Chancellor from October 2023 - University of Salford

Nic Beech

Nic Beech is vice chancellor of the University of Salford

Clare Peddie Wonkhe
Clare Peddie Wonkhe

Clare Peddie

Clare Peddie is the Vice Principal Education (Proctor) for the University of St Andrews


Monika Antal

Monika Antal is Assistant Director at Yorkshire Universities

Jon Garrity Wonkhe
Jon Garrity Wonkhe

Jon Garritty

Jon Garrity is Director, Technology Advisory at KPMG

Matthew Howling Wonkhe
Matthew Howling Wonkhe

Matthew Howling

Matthew Howling is a principal associate at Mills & Reeve

Sarah Seed Wonkhe
Sarah Seed Wonkhe

Sarah Seed

Sarah Seed is a partner at Mills & Reeve


Reesa John

Reesa John is Director, Fund and Fellowship at Alberta Innovates


James Cunningham

James Cunningham is Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship at Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University


Erica Cargill

Erica Cargill is Associate Dean for Academic Development and Student Experience at Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University

FXPlus - Headshots
Headshots taken of Paula Sanderson by India Neive Leask

Paula Sanderson

Paula Sanderson is a Halpin fellow


Andy Mycock

Andy Mycock is Chief Policy Fellow at the Yorkshire and Humber Policy Engagement and Research Network

Neil Currant

Neil Currant is a senior lecturer and educational developer at the University of Bedfordshire.

Hannah Breslin

Hannah Breslin is an Autistic academic who speaks and writes about the pedagogy of employability, leadership, autistic experiences, and the intersection across all three.

PG headshot 2
PG headshot 2

Paul Giladi

Paul Giladi is a lecturer in Philosophy at The School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.


Matt Hiely-Rayner

Director of Intelligent Metrix

Matt Hiely-Rayner is Director of Intelligent Metrix, the company that produces rankings for the Guardian University Guide, and is co-chair of the HEIR network’s planning group.

Steve Briggs Wonkhe
Steve Briggs Wonkhe

Steve Briggs

Steve Briggs is Director for Learning and Teaching Excellence at the University of Bedfordshire

Sally Everett Wonkhe
Sally Everett Wonkhe

Sally Everett

Sally Everett is Professor of Business Education and Vice Dean (Education) at King’s Business School, King’s College London


Ruairí Cullen

Ruairí Cullen is the Senior Observatory Lead in the Higher Education & Research policy team at the British Academy

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220531_645_Hollis [TIF 30036049921] (2)

Paul Angrave

Paul Angrave is Associate Director of Public Affairs at the University of Leicester

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bleddyn bowen 250sq

Bleddyn Bowen

Bleddyn Bowen is Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Leicester


Sapna Marwaha

Sapna Marwaha is the founder of Formation Consultancy and deputy chair of the Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA)


Paul Martin

Research Fellow

Paul Martin is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities (CEPEO) at the UCL Institute of Education.


Liz Thomas

Liz Thomas is professor of higher education at the University of York

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MH&A Team profiles - 1

Dan Heard

Dan is a partner at MH&A where he leads on higher education, economic development, and complex deals


Oluwasola O’Adesulu

Oluwasola O’Adesulu is Regional Lead (North) for the InspireX Student Project at the University of Law, Manchester


Huma Hasan

Huma Hasan is co-President at the University of Law SU

Jess Humphreys
Jess Humphreys

Jess Humphreys

Jess Humphreys is director of the Warwick International Higher Education Academy at the University of Warwick

Diana Rakus Wonkhe
Diana Rakus Wonkhe

Diana Rakus

Diana Rakus is head of the Expert Group on Investment Attraction and project lead on IT Education at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

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Staff photo (2)

Katherine Kruger

Katherine Kruger is a Senior Lecturer in Community Engagement in English at the University of Sussex

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Luke Arundel

Luke Arundel is a Research Officer at the Centre for Transforming Access and Student Outcomes in Higher Education (TASO)

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WhatsApp Image 2024-05-20 at 10.32.50

Douglas Dowell

Douglas Dowell is a Policy Manager at the Russell Group

Richard Puttock Wonkhe
Richard Puttock Wonkhe

Richard Puttock

Richard Puttock is Head of Business Intelligence and Data Analytics at the University of Leeds, writing in a personal capacity


Shaun Le Boutillier

Shaun Le Boutillier is an Academic Performance Strategist and Principal Lecturer in Sociology at Anglia Ruskin University


Monika Nangia

Academic Registrar and Director of Student and Academic Services at Durham University

Monika Nangia is Academic Registrar and Director of Student and Academic Services at Durham University

Anna Petrova Wonkhe
Anna Petrova Wonkhe

Anna Petrova

Anna Petrova is founder and chief executive of Startup Ukraine

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Mcr SU (377 of 362)

Tesnime Safraou

Tesnime Safraou is City and Community Officer at Manchester Students’ Union

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Picture 2

Ramita Tejpal

Ramita Tejpal is Associate Professor and Dean of Academic Quality and Policy at BPP University

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Picture 1

Alaa Elaydi

Alaa Elaydi is Head of Academic Quality, Data and Risk at BPP University

Helen Megarry
Helen Megarry

Helen Megarry

Helen Megarry is Independent Adjudicator at the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA)

Simon Emmett Wonkhe
Simon Emmett Wonkhe

Simon Emmett

Simon Emmett is the chief executive of IDP Connect

Laura Milne_Headshot
Laura Milne_Headshot

Laura Milne

Head of Digital Education

Laura Milne is the Head of Digital Education within the Centre for Academic Innovation and Development at the University of Chester.

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Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 14.35.36

Asha Noor

Asha Noor is Parent Power Leader at Cardiff Parent Power 

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Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 14.35.28

Charlotte Hallahan

Charlotte Hallahan is Senior Policy and Communications Officer at The Brilliant Club

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Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 14.35.19

Nia Oatley

Nia Oatley is Communities Manager at The Brilliant Club 


Reece Lee

Reece Lee is SU President at Norwich University of the Arts


Terence Karran

Emeritus Professor of Higher Education Policy

Terence Karran is Emeritus Professor of Higher Education Policy at the University of Lincoln

Griff Ryan Wonkhe
Griff Ryan Wonkhe

Griff Ryan

Griff Ryan is Policy Advisor for Global Mobility at Universities UK International

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Gary Gillon

Gary Gillon is a Lecturer in Management at the University of the West of Scotland


Katy Burgess

Senior lecturer

Katy Burgess is a Senior Lecturer in psychology at Cardiff University.

Karen Holford Wonkhe
Karen Holford Wonkhe

Karen Holford

Karen Holford is chief executive and vice chancellor at Cranfield University

Nishan headshot
Nishan headshot

Nishan Canagarajah

Nishan Canagarajah is President and Vice Chancellor of the University of Leicester


Dawn Hibbert

Head of REF and Research Support

Dawn Hibbert is Head of REF & Research Support at the University of Northampton.


David Woolley

David Woolley is Director of Student and Community Engagement at Nottingham Trent University (NTU)


Helena Lim

Helena Lim is head of opportunities at evasys