This article is more than 5 years old

Living and lifestyle: the student perspective

This article is more than 5 years old

News, analysis and explanation of higher education issues from our leading team of wonks

At regular intervals a group of UK Students’ Unions comes together to design, fund and commission research into students’ views and experience of university.

Previously Students’ Unions have looked at the student view of teaching excellence, and student perceptions of value for money. This time around a group has come together to learn more about a number of student living and lifestyle issues.

Every year a raft of research is released on crucial student issues relating to housing, costs and travel, but much of it is characterised by a commissioning organisation with an agenda and a pre-packed press release, which gathers low response rates. We wanted to know more about these issues; not to promote a new product, service or app, but to determine whether both national and institutional policy needs to change in these areas.

Full report: student-lifestyle-2018


The blog on Wonkhe features quotes from students’ union officers.

Project Coordinator
Ed Marsh
Chief Executive Officer
Middlesex University
Students’ Union (MDXSU)
+44 (0)20 8411 2420

This research project was conducted by trendence UK
8th Floor
Friars Bridge Court
41–45 Blackfriars Bridge
London SE1 8NZ
+44 (0)20 7654 7220

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