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How will universities score in the great OfS spelling bee?
How will universities score in the great OfS spelling bee?
As OfS demands a spelling check on every module in the country, Jim Dickinson asks what its latest sector-wide intervention tells us about its independence and priorities.
Wonkhe community survey 2021: equality, diversity, and inclusion
Wonkhe community survey 2021: equality, diversity, and inclusion
What should the HE sector prioritise to make real change on equality, diversity and inclusion in 2021-22? Debbie McVitty reports findings from the Wonkhe community survey
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Universities can deliver on levelling up
Universities can deliver on levelling up
England's universities are a success story - UUK's Chris Hale sets out how the Comprehensive Spending Review could help the sector deliver the government's priorities.
PODCAST: Spending review, party conferences, graduate outcomes, posters
This week on the podcast we’re looking ahead to the comprehensive spending review and proposals to lower the graduate repayment threshold.
Wonk Corner
Small thoughts and hot takes from Team Wonkhe