SUs Pass

Wonkhe SUs Pass is a subscription service for students’ unions designed to keep SU officers and staff in the loop.


When SUs know what’s going on, and can understand what’s going on, they can influence what’s going on in the student interest.


Our range of services are aimed at saving time and improving the effectiveness of student representation, campaigning and policy work.

Regular policy briefings

Minimum twice weekly subscriber-only explainer briefings and beginner’s guides on key issues in higher education, plus access to our archive of over 1,000 explainers on key issues and research findings on students and SUs – as well as access to our quarterly policy update sent to subscribing universities.


A thirty hour plus online summer programme of online sessions, and an entitlement to a day’s on-site, in-house training for officers and/or staff on policy analysis, influencing, policy development and problem solving.

Briefing emails

As well as access to the Wonkhe Daily email briefing, you receive a bespoke weekly email for SUs featuring the latest developments, news coverage, analysis and opportunities for SUs – as well as news from around the SU network.

Instant alerts and chat

Access to our WhatsApp news and policy alerts and group chat.

Online briefings

Regular sessions on issues that SUs will be discussing with institutions as well as an invitation to a monthly Wonkhe Live event, and access to our archive of previous webinars

Advice and support

Team Wonkhe on call – offering advice and support with your representation and policy issues – and regular online catch ups with your team to discuss what’s going on and highlight the latest developments for SUs in HE and wider social policy.

Event discounts

Wonkhe hosts events all year round – online and offline – and Wonkhe SUs subscribers receive discounts to each, including our festival of higher education and our Secret Life of Students event.

Exclusive events and projects

Every year there’s exclusive projects, roundtables and events to get involved in – from research projects into the student experience to our annual study tours to learn about how other countries do student representation (extra cost).


We’ll come to your Board or similar meetings to help you scan the horizon, and we’re always happy to join working groups, conferences, councils and other events to offer a wider policy perspective – diary permitting.

Your questions answered

What is Wonkhe SUs?


A subscription service for students’ unions that is designed to save officers and staff time, and improve the effectiveness of student representation, campaigning and policy work.

We do this through a mixture of expert explainer briefings, emails, alerts, online briefings, training and special projects.

Representing students effectively is tough when policy is complex, confusing and constantly changing. We know that officers and staff that understand the environment are more effective, and get more done. We help with that.

We think the challenges on students and students’ unions are increasing, and require rapid, creative thinking. We provide and facilitate that too.

Why should you subscribe?


At Wonkhe we love students’ unions. Many of us began our careers in students’ unions. We think the UK students’ union system is unrivalled around the world and makes UK higher education better.

We see work with students’ unions as an investment in our mission to improve higher education policymaking, provide a platform unheard and diverse voices, and an opportunity to support the sector’s wider talent pipeline.

We’re not a representative body – we don’t seek to speak on behalf of students or students’ unions. That’s your job, along with your National Union. We’re also not a campaigning body – you’ll never see a national demonstration or a lobby of parliament.

We’re not democratic and we’re non-partisan. That doesn’t mean you won’t hear professional opinions from the team and doesn’t mean we won’t involve SUs and students in our work – but we won’t take a policy position or have an elected committee.

How do you keep us up-to-date?


As well as strict higher education policy, we have an interest in and expertise in wider areas that apply to HE – like equality and diversity, governance and charity law, and freedom of speech.

We know you are busy – so we’ll do the reading so you don’t have to, distilling the essentials and helping you lead and deliver for your students in the process.

When you are as familiar with the issues as your university’s senior team, you’re more effective.

We’re up to date – in the sector we’re relied upon for our quality and timely analysis so we like to stay nimble and be responsive. We keep our operation lean, our partnerships wide and don’t get bogged down by bureaucracy or layers of complexity.

What does a Wonkhe SUs subscription cost?


£4,100 + £410 VAT
A discounted rate is available for SUs st Guild HE providers – drop us an email

Wait, there’s more?


As well as our subscription, we will also:

Run bespoke events and seminars aimed specifically at students’ union officers and staff.

Provide access to bespoke opt-in projects on key contemporary policy issues raised in manifestos and strategies.

Organise collective projects to offer student research that has an impact locally and nationally.

Offer specific services, both in house and with leading partners, to develop your policy and representation work and thinking.

Run practitioner forums for key management and policy staff with access to key sector bodies.

Contribute the latest thinking to student movement and HE events.

We’ll also help you respond to consultations, understand the local implications or national issues, and identify opportunities to apply for funding.

Get in touch

Contact us

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What people say
Looking at my daily routine, Wonkhe has become more than just a source of information, it's an addiction now. From bedtime reading to travel companion, the articles on student life, finances, governance and democracy, etc. have lightened and strengthen my capabilities, courage and accountability to my sabbatical officer role.
Megan Ball
Rewathi Viswanatham, Cardiff Met SU Vice President 2023-24
To have great student representation, you need great student officers - and those officers need the knowledge at their fingertips to perform their role effectively. Wonkhe SUs Pass is not only across the entire policy and news landscape, they provide an amazing service of briefings, blogs, and podcasts to help SU staff and officers make sense and keep up to date with it all. It’s now a fundamental part of our officer support system
Alan Sutherland
Former CEO, University of Surrey SU
Being part of Wonkhe SUs Pass ensures our student officers have access to the best thought leadership in the sector, and means they can play a more informed role at the table with university leaders. Without doubt, the value, insight and support from the team has made us more powerful advocates for our students.
Ben Ward
CEO, University of Manchester SU