Image: Shutterstock Thirty ideas for revitalising welcome week from across Europe by Jim Dickinson SUs blogs-su 2/03/23
Image: Shutterstock Voice and representation work in SUs in the Scandis by Jim Dickinson SUs blogs-su 17/06/22
Image: Shutterstock If students need belonging then their SUs need to change by Talia Adams SU Blogs blogs-su 23/05/22
Time for SUs to write a new chapter on community on campus by Jim Dickinson SU Blogs blogs-su 5/05/22
Image: Shutterstock How Scandinavian SUs do policy and democracy (not elections) by Jim Dickinson SU Blogs blogs-su 28/04/22
Image: Shutterstock What can we learn from Scandinavia and from students? by Jim Dickinson SU Blogs blogs-su 21/04/22
20220410_192008 His Majesty the Pig writhes out of his whimsical reclusive binge by Jim Dickinson SU Blogs blogs-su 11/04/22
Image: Shutterstock Study tour 2022 – outline itinerary and details by Jim Dickinson SUs blogs-su 14/10/21